DLI Parent-Teacher Meeting / Junta de padres y maestras del programa bilingüe ***Cancelled***
- What
- DLI Parent-Teacher Meeting / Junta de padres y maestras del programa bilingüe ***Cancelled***
- When
- 5/13/2020, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
- Where
- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76000625230?pwd=MkNOdUoxTUVCMmQ4cE5xVURlS0hDQT09,
This is an invitation to participate in a virtual meeting for parents of students in the Dual Language Immersion program. Teachers will answer questions, address concerns and provide additional support to families during this time of school closures. To join the Zoom Meeting use the following link:
Meeting ID: 760 0062 5230
Password: 073092